School based
Our school based provision helps you to develop as a teacher who better understands the challenges of our diverse, local educational landscape and can be quick to adapt to life as an Early Career Teacher. You will be based in school from the start of the academic year and feel part of the team immediately. You have the opportunity to observe great teaching and, as you gradually grow in confidence and develop your pedagogy, you will begin teaching. In school you have the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals who will provide all the practical classroom training and subject support you need on a daily basis.

Beginner Teacher Curriculum
One day each week will be spent at either the university or our training hub at Landau Forte college, Derby.
These sessions will provide a framework for you to develop as a teacher and support the practical side of your training with academic research-based input in the core areas of teaching; behaviour, pedagogy, professional behaviours, assessment and curriculum
Becoming a Subject Specialist
We believe that subject knowledge is at the heart of becoming a great teacher. It is your enthusiasm and expertise that will make a difference for your teaching.
With the help of your Subject Mentor and Academic Link Tutor, you will deepen your subject knowledge in relation to curriculum needs and appropriate teaching and learning strategies, with a particular focus on planning, delivery and assessment.

Qualified Teacher Status
By studying this programme you will be awarded a PGCE (Level 7) and be recommended for Qualified Teacher Status. This will allow you to apply for teaching posts in UK schools and colleges. You will be awarded 60 masters’ credits with your PGCE which will allow you to continue to a MA in Education if you wish to do so.
Contrasting Placement
In order to get a full experience of teaching you will spend a contrasting placement in another school. This means you’ll be exposed to different teaching experiences and challenges, gaining a clear insight on how to teach a full spectrum of learners in a range of school contexts.
To give Beginner Teachers a greater depth of understanding you will have the opportunity to visit local SEND schools, primary schools, behaviour support units and the local Faith Centres.