We are delighted that we are the delivery partner for an OUTSTANDING teacher training provider.
Highlights from the 2024 inspection shown below are a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in the programme.
“Leaders aspire to ‘ignite inspiration among trainees’. They do this in abundance. The importance of civic and moral duty runs throughout the ITE provision.”
“Trainees are nurtured individually. The provision’s pastoral care offer is exceptional. Trainees benefit from excellent wraparound care when needed.”
“Trainees are immersed in high-quality placement learning that dovetails purposefully with university-, hub- or partner-based learning.”
“Trainees learn through school-based practice right from the start. Subject-specialist mentors are very well informed. Mentors keep a watchful eye on trainees’ subject audits to make sure that any gaps in knowledge are plugged. The vast majority of trainees praise the excellent advice and guidance provided to them by their mentors. Trainees are supported by very well-trained mentors. ”
“Trainees gain from exceptional training, becoming well informed, self-reflective, and skilled ‘beginning teachers’”
“University link tutors provide both mentors and trainees with invaluable support during each placement.’”
“Stakeholders, in the localities that the provision serves, are effusive about the university’s success in nurturing exceptionally well trained and resilient ‘beginning teachers’.”
“Trainees benefit from leaders’ astute knowledge of the different localities.”
Link to report: